
Third Show added at Rockfeller

Volume 6 a-ha.com Newsletter April 23, 2008

The first two evenings in Oslo are now sold out, and a final show will be added on Thursday May 22. There will be no more "Evening with..." shows added, so this is your last chance. This evening will be filmed, so the capacity at the venue will be limited.

Tickets go on sale Saturday, April 26 at Billettservice.

To see all the upcoming shows, visit the a-ha Events listings.

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aha on Lydverket

Previously, a short video clip was posted on forums of Magne and Paul listening to Morten's Darkspace single in a studio with Morten. Magne seemed to enjoy the song but I'm not sure about Paul. Anyway, they laughed and joked. Morten seemed to a little overwhelmed and his cheeks went red but they seemed in good spirits. This clip was a snippet of the full interview which will be shown on NRK 1's Lydverket programme April 23rd at 23.15 (Norwegian time).

Here's the full interview and the link was kindly posted by Mortyman on west of the moon.

Translation also provided by Mortyman:

They basically say that their solo careers serves as a breather between their a-ha sessions. They feel that the solo work is an important addition to the a-ha world and that they bring the best of their solo work into a-ha. They also say that the solo concerts together is in response to fans who have wanted to hear the different side to them AND more importantly they say that they are in full swing with their next a-ha album.


Pre-order [German] Darkspace

Darkspace (You're With Me) is now available to pre-order from www.amazon.de. Click here for the direct link to the item in Amazon's store:

There's no need to create a new account for Amazon.de (if you already have an Amazon UK account) just enter the same login information eg. email address and your password and off you go to the checkout. I'm not sure if its the same for Amazon.com account holders but please try it yourself.

The cost is EUR4.99 per cd-single plus postage and they should be able to ship it Worldwide.

The cd won't be shipped until May 16.

Morten Live on Grosvold

Screencaps provided by Jakob on west of the moon.

Morten was interviewed on Anne Grosvold's show Grosvold on 04/18/2008. Not only did he appear being interviewed he also sang his new single called Darkspace (You're With Me) at the end of the show. The broadcast was in Norway on NRK tv and also on the internet at NRK's website. Unfortunately, technical problems on Friday evening (via the website) only showed the video but the video had no sound. Fortunate for his many fans NRK fixed it this morning and you can now watch it via the following links:

For the song performance click here.

For the interview and then the song click here. (select the date 18.04.08)

New album: Letter from Egypt

I should've posted this blog earlier, but well here it is now...my excuse is I got sidetracked!

Most of you already know Morten's next solo album is called "Letter from Egypt" and it was due to be released in March this year, but Morten decided to fine tune it, now its due out in Norway, May 19th and Germany soon-after.

From the album cover - can you notice the red symbols on the rocks? Someone on a forum pointed that out, I didn't notice it myself. I admit this isn't a very good picture of the cover but its the only one I've found. I'm not too sure why the lady is half-dressed by the phonebox and the pose seems like Morten's walking down (a hill) and to me he looks a bit lop-sided. I also don't understand why the cover of Movies and the Darkspace singles Morten appears to be wearing animal-looking eye contacts lenses. I'm pretty sure if I had a clearer picture of the album cover that his eyes would be the same as the other two single covers. I think photoshoot was done in Morocco.

I pre-ordered the album from
www.cdon.com (check for it under Future Releases).

I can't wait to hear Morten's new songs!


Darkspace single / Morten Harket Facebook (Fan) Group

Morten supporting Amnesty Make Some Noise

Just a quick one to let you know I've heard a download and physical cd of Darkspace (You're With Me) will be released in Germany from May 16.

I'm keeping an eye on Amazon.de and hope I'll be able to order it from them (once they list it). If not, I guess I'll have to ask a friend in Germany to buy it for me.
I'll let you know where you can buy it from in a few weeks time. I wish I could buy the single now!

Please join my Morten Harket Facebook group (if you haven't already) at:


All Morten fan's are welcome to join.

Only 33 days to go until I hear Morten's new songs Live!


New single: Darkspace

I love Morten's new single "Darkspace". I heard the full song last Friday from the NRK Radio link. Norwegian iTunes have listed it for sale [digitally] on 4th April for NOK8.00 but its a single track only and there's no video.

How I wish we could
all buy the single now and support Morten!

I'm very excited about the new album "Letter from Egypt" and I can't settle for one concert. I booked a trip to Oslo for another show. I'm just going to one of the two shows which is good enough for me. It's better to go to one than not being able to go at all (like last year).

I pre-ordered the album from CDON.com because I can't wait for a UK release (sometime this year), it's already been over 10 years since Morten's last solo album and I'm impatient - I can't wait any longer.

What do you think about the new single? Darkspace for me is quite simply beautiful, the more I hear the song the more I love it! I definitely want to buy it [digitally] and the German [cd release] is out May 16. Nicely timed for my Birthday!

It's just 6 weeks until I hear Morten's new songs!